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Your way to Hotel Mühlenthal


Hotel Mühlenthal
Bachtalstraße 214
66773 Schwalbach (Ortsteil Elm)
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Geo coordinates

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Access via surrounding highways

From Trier/Cologne via A8

On the A8, take motorway exit number 15: Schwalbach, Schwarzenholz, Elm. After leaving the motorway, follow the signs to the left towards Elm. You are already on Bachtalstrasse. Follow this for 3.8 km or approx. 5 minutes. After the district of Sprengen you will immediately reach Elm. Our house is on the left side.

From Luxembourg via A8

At the Saarlouis triangle, take exit 9 towards Karlsruhe. Then continue to follow the A8 and leave the motorway at exit number 15: Schwalbach, Schwarzenholz, Elm. After leaving the motorway, follow the signs to the left towards Elm. You are already on Bachtalstrasse. Follow this for 3.8 km or approx. 5 minutes. After the district of Sprengen you will immediately reach Elm. Our house is on the left side.

From Mannheim/Saarbrücken via A620

From the A620 at the Saarlouis triangle, exit 9, change to the A8 towards Karlsruhe. Follow the A8 and leave the motorway at exit number 15: Schwalbach, Schwarzenholz, Elm. After leaving the motorway, follow the signs to the left towards Elm. You are already on Bachtalstrasse. Follow this for 3.8 km or approx. 5 minutes. After the district of Sprengen you will immediately reach Elm. Our house is on the left side.

Access by public transport

Öffentliche AnbindungEntfernungAutominuten
Bahnhof Saarbrücken
27 Kilometer
25 Minuten
Bahnhof Saarlouis
15 Kilometer
14 Minuten
Bahnhof Bous
5 Kilometer
7 Minuten
Flughafen Saarbrücken-Ensheim
41 Kilometer
35 Minuten
Flughafen Frankfurt
183 Kilometer
105 Minuten
Flughafen Luxemburg
98 Kilometer
63 Minuten
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