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The state capital invites you to shop

The Saarland state capital Saarbrücken has almost 180,000 inhabitants, a university and a small but nice city center. There are numerous shops waiting for you to explore in the pedestrian zone.

Saarbrücken – the only major city in Saarland

Saarbrücken is the only large city in Saarland. This is one of the reasons why the university town is the cultural center of the western state. In addition to the Saarland State Theater, there are many smaller theaters, such as the Theater Überzwerg, the largest professional children's and youth theater in Saarland. Numerous museums such as the Saarbrücken City Gallery and the Saar Historical Museum, a number of churches (e.g. Ludwigskirche), memorials and historical buildings - such as the well-known castle - attract visitors from near and far.

Saarbrücken: shopping in the city

With more than 500 shops, Saarbrücken City entices you to stroll and shop. Stroll through the pedestrian zone, which stretches from the train station to the Sankt Johanner Markt and is lined with shops on either side. You can take a break around the fountain at the historic Sankt Johanner Markt and recover from your shopping spree with a coffee or a delicious meal and then visit the banks of the Saar.

You can reach Saarbrücken in around 25 minutes by car from the Hotel Mühlenthal.

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